Today's feature is one of my new finds, and it also features an error we've seen before. Give some applause to God of the Sea!

This guy was keeping it simple, all he wanted was a single word "God". Unfortunately, somehow an extra space found its way into the tattoo, turning "Elohim" into "El Hayam" - God of the Sea.
How can a word like "God" be cut in half and still retain it's meaning you ask?
See, the original word "Elohim" means God, it's in a special multiple form to emphasize God's greatness. When it's spelled this way, you have no doubt which god is meant, it's the biblical God and no other.
Cut the frills away, and you're left with "El", aka god, no emphasis or capitalization needed. It can be used to refer to any god you like. Conveniently, the other part of the word transforms him into God of the Sea.
Edit: For Margy, who requested to see how God is supposed to be written in Hebrew:

The bottom version is the one more common in modern Hebrew, I prefer to write God this way.
The difference between the two is the letter Vav, which reads here as the "O" in "Elohim". In this case it's an optional letter, you can choose whether to write it or not.